Travel blog: The flying dog show, shooting a producer and meeting a queen
After a quick recovery from our hectic journey to Cannes, followed by a long night of bar-hopping from one industry party to the next; we suited up and embarked on what is known in the industry as the “meeting marathon” of MIP. A series of quick speed-dating style meetings with the leading global TV network executives in which you try to charm your way into a proper meeting and presentation. But, knowing well enough that we cannot rely on our good looks and charm alone, we resorted to creative ways to make sure our speed-meetings are memorable.
So we thought – Why not shoot a producer? What could be more memorable than that? [No need for you to leave long lists of perfectly reasonable explanations why NOT to do that in the comment section bellow, heinsight is 20/20 as they say…]
First inside the crosshairs – the Endemol-Shine Group, who said goodbye to one of the leading members in the industry Mr. Erik de Winter, who asked us not to shoot him during our elaborate presentation of our latest game-show “Shoot me if I’m wrong“.
In between presentations and using unsuspecting producers as Guinee-pigs, we listened to a fascinating speech by the format high priestess herself, Ms. Virginia Mouseler, who enlightened us about what is trending now in the TV world. Amongst the usual talent competition formats, “Survivor” style shows and dating show spin-offs, there were a few bizarre ideas that were so out there they just might become a hit. The one we found most intriguing is a format in which seven innocent people are incarcerated, and basically left to their own devices in a real prison. But the all-time champion of the bizarre segment was a format called “Dogs can fly”, a canine reality-show in which dogs compete amongst each other in different challenges until in the grand finale a dog attempts to fly a plane, hence “dogs can fly”, yes – we said a dog flies a plane, and no we are not making this up. And people say our shows are extreme…
Soon we realized that night time is when the real deals get made, so off we went bar-hopping again! We started the night driven and focused, getting into the best VIP bashes and even meeting a real beauty queen.
By the end of the night we discovered that people are more likely to agree to be shot by a paint-gun after they had a few drinks in them and that Shy has an unexplained selfie with a drag queen on his cellphone [funny how that keeps happening].
The early light of dawn reminded us we have precious time to refresh, suit up and charm our way on day 3 in Cannes. One thing’s for sure – there is no place like MIP.